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it really depends on where you go...and also where you live. When i went i had two optional places and at one you need parents with you, ID's, proof of birth and all that. But where i ended up going you didn't need any signatures...i think you should go for it, it is definitely worth it and ends up looking great! hope that helps... :)

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Q: Do you have to have a parents signature to get your cartlidge pierced?
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Do you need a parents signature to get your ears double pierced?

yes, if you are under 18

Is there a vein in your ear that can be hit if you get your cartlidge pierced?

Cartilage is just that. It hardly contains any blood vessels. That is why there is very little blood when this area is pierced.

You are 16 can you get your belly button pierced without your parents signature in South Carolina?

The South Carolina state law is that one must be 16 or older, to get their naval pierced. The reason for this is that any given person from 14-15 can still have a growth spurt and would damage the naval area if pierced.

Which Disney stars have gotten tattoos or piercings?

David Henrie has multiple tattoos. Miley Cyrus have five tattoos and wants more. Cartlidge and bellybutton are pierced. Demi Lovato has two tattoos as of now. Bellybutton is pierced. Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgens each have one tattoo. Vanessa has her bellybutton pierced. And all the girls have their ears pierced.

Where can you get your tongue pierced at 13 in Missouri?

No where professional without an adult signature.

What is the birth name of Katrin Cartlidge?

Katrin Cartlidge's birth name is Katrin Juliet Cartlidge.

Why are you born with pierced ears?

You are not born with pierced ears, your parents had them done when you were a baby.

When did Arthur Cartlidge die?

Arthur Cartlidge died in 1940.

How old do you have to get your navel pierced?

i had my navel pierced at 13 and it was done legally with a parents permission

Does having cartlidge pierced hurt?

Not at all if you take a deep breath in and out you feel nothing it's quick and easy mine has been no trouble at all sometimes you can't even feel it in

What is Katrin Cartlidge's birthday?

Katrin Cartlidge was born on May 15, 1961.

When was Katrin Cartlidge born?

Katrin Cartlidge was born on May 15, 1961.