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Q: Do you have to drink cold water to lose your voice?
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Is it better to drink cold drinks rather than warm when you lose your voice?

It can be beneficial to drink warm or room temperature liquids when you lose your voice, as cold drinks may aggravate the throat and cause further irritation. Warm drinks can help soothe the throat and provide relief.

What is best to drink after workout hot or cold water?

it depends if you try to lose calories its hot water but if your trying to cool yourself down you use cold water

Loss of voice for 2 weeks?

The medical condition where you lose your voice is called laryngitis. This is an inflammation of the voice box and often mimics the common cold until you lose your voice.

What is better to drink when you lose your voice?

Warm tea with no sugar or milk.

Can you lose your singing voice from a cold?

you probablly can but eventually you will get over the cold and your voic will come back

How do you lose your voice asap overnight?

Scream into a pillow for 10-15 mins or drnk really cold drinks eat ice or drink lemon juice or drink vinegar than after that growl and scream (: hope this helped x

What can you eat to burn more abdominal fat?

If you drink a cold glass ( and make it cold! )of water you lose 12 calories because you body has to burn them to make that glass of water warm. If you drink about 1 hundred a day for a year you'll loose 3 pounds.

What would happen if you do not drink water?

We will be weak Because every day we lose 1.5 liter of water daily. if we don't drink water we will lose much water

Best drink to drink while trying to lose weight?

water and lots of it

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