Not at all. Homosexuality is nothing to be ashamed of, but if someone isn't confident with their sexuality yet, that's also a natural response. It's important to learn to love yourself, but it's also important to remember people will love you regardless of how you view yourself.
homosexuality = ushogahomosexuality = ushoga
more uncomfortable
Homosexuality was legalized in Slovakia in 1962.Homosexuality was legalized in Slovakia in 1962.
more embarrassed, most embarrassed
You cannot catch homosexuality.You cannot catch homosexuality.
yes ,because that person was embarrassed.
If you are embarrassed by someone, you know exactly why you are embarrassed. If you are embarrassed around someone, you often find you can't put your finger on why, and it's frustrating.
Homosexuality existed before civilization.
No, homosexuality is natural for many people.
homosexuality is not a disease, so there is no "treatment" for it.
Journal of Homosexuality was created in 1976.
No, it does not have any effect on homosexuality.