Of course you have a chance with a girl taller than you. Since girls care more about personality than looks (it always helps to look good though), a humorous, lighthearted personality goes a long way. However, it is uncommon to see a couple with the man shorter. Generally, the taller of the two has the majority of control, which is the man's role in most cases. You won't be socially outcast or forced to live on the streets if you date taller women, I guarantee it. How else would the WNBA players get dates? height is not what makes a man tall his heart is. be yourself and just let it flow. ctr
Well, honey, any integer greater than 7 will do the trick. Just pick a number, add it to -7, and if the sum is greater than 0, you've hit the jackpot. Just remember, the bigger the integer, the better chance you have of getting a positive sum.
farm skeleton tomb bro it will take some time though but u will get fusion stones ones in a while
Never heard of a virticles. If, by any chance, you meant vertices, the answer is 8.
(3 and any fraction less than 1) is always bigger than (1 and any fraction less than 1).
P value is a probability of something happening by chance it denotes the contribution of chance in any hyphothesis testing the value of p lies between 0 to 1 the standered value of p is .05 if any hyphothesis test gives the p value less then this that means that particular x is impacting my project otherwise not.
just like any other girl they are the same as any other girl
No. They are all 18 inches.
Yes. Any species of gorillas are taller than tigers.
From the pictures I've seen of him, I THINK he probably will date just about any girl living.
Same that you would with any other girl
Yes you will get taller during puberty.
I think he would date any girl that he falls in love with
Theres a higher chance of getting cancer if youre taller. barely any but there is. just a fact.
No. All people are taller than that.
devastator is taller than any transformer
None of the Big Bang members are taller than or are 6 feet.
there is 1% chance