in the last month or so you'll have more discharge like mucus. you can earlier on though.
This is caused by a vaginal infection. See your Doctor about this for treatment. Do not buy anything OTC as you're pregnant. Congratulations.
Any bleeding during pregnancy needs to be discussed with your OB/GYN.
Yes if the discharge is a very dark brown colour it will look like blood.
if you are pregnant you miss your period
Having vaginal discharge does not prevent you from getting pregnant. It will not expel the sperm. It is not a way to determine whether or not you are pregnant. You can have discharge at any time, pregnant or not.
Hello there. A pregnant womens CM varies in each one of us. Some women have a great deal of CM which looks like ovulation discharge and some have a lot of normal vaginal discharge. The discharge usually increases as the pregnancy progresses.
No. Sounds like an STD. You should never, ever discharge green, or even slightly green. You may still be pregnant, but that is not a sign of it.
yes you will i am going on three months pregnant now an i havethick white dischargeand cervical discharge,,,, many women get that during pregnancy.
Not necessarily. Many women have a discharge, pregnant or not. See the Related Link for symptoms of pregnancy.
Well, a sign of what? pregnancy? All women have discharge. And I am pregnant right now. And when you are pregnant your discharge increases.