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Yes u do if u hav a partnership with them, ie contract. It also depends on how many views u get for the video. That would be how much u get paid.

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Q: Do you get paid for posting videos on machinima?
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Can join machinma at age 15?

no you can't you have to be over 20 and have uploaded over 200 videos, and a machinima director has to have seen your videos and recommended you to machinima

How do you make a machinima?

A machinima is video made via a game, but to get it onto the machinima site, you need to make good videos and get recognised on something like youtube.

How much does Machinima pay per view for YouTube videos?

Being a Machinima Director, you only get 5$ for every million views.

Do you get paid for making videos for machinima?

Youtube provides this program where if your videos get a lot activity (views) then they will pay you to showcase ad's on your video. Your videos need to not have any copyrighted stuff in it, as in music and so forth. You can look this up in Youtube's help section.

Does machinima pay money for videos?

Yes, I think they pay more if you release videos more frequently.

Do you get paid to post a video on you tube?

You do not get directly paid for posting a video on YouTube. There are however ways to receive money for posting videos on YouTube. If your videos become extremely popular, you will receive some money for allowing YouTube to show ads while your videos play. There are also third party apps such as ClipSponsor which allow you to receive donations from anyone for videos that you post on YouTube (in case they find your videos useful or inspiring or funny).

Who is seananners?

A guy who works at Machinima and posts videos on Youtube- Mainly CoD or Minecraft.

Who does good black ops videos?

In my opinion, Steve Schwindt does great black ops videos, as well as MuzzaFuzza and various other people. Alot of good black ops videos appear on Machinima

What is the song that plays at the end of machinima videos?

There are two that I've come across. The one that I've been searching for (which played in the comments video at the end of Machinima videos) and recently found, is called "Navasat" by Ted Turner. There's another apparently called "Solar" by Noisestorm. Both of these can be found on youtube.

How much do machinima directors get paid?

Machinima directors are payed for the amount of views a video gets. Legally, directors are not allowed to disclose the amount they get paid. However, I have heard rumors they directors are paid $50 per 100k views. Don't quote me! this cannot be true because hutch has 47,609,887 vies wich would mean that if you multiplied 476*$50 you would get a total of $23,800 which is definently not enogh to live off of full time.

Does Kevin Wu get paid by YouTube?

Yes, Kevin Wu is paid by YouTube by obtaining video views from the videos he has posted. Kevin Wu posts his videos under the YouTube name of kevjumba, and has since the posting of his first video, achieved and passed over 300 million video views.

How do you make videos like the noob show and runescape gods exsposed?

You mean machinima's, if you watched the videos, they should be giving you ideas. As for the device used for them, it's some sort of video codec.