No, drink (alcoholic) doesn't effect you more when you're on your period. Obviously as always it's a good idea to watch not to drink too much, during menstruation there's a risk of accidental leaks or accidentally leaving tampons in for too long if you get too drunk.
No, you just get more stupid.
A baby grows inside her. Hormones flood. She may get swollen ankles and stretch marks. She will stop having a period whilst she is pregnant. And many more!
Trust me. You can. It is irrelevant when your period comes as some women even continue having periods whilst they are pregnant and there is no damage done to the baby. This is very rare, however, yet is still happens. Ovulation normally occurs in women in around the 14th day of your monthly cylce (usually two weeks after your period and two weeks before the next one). This is when the egg is released and when you're most fertile and therefore most likely to get pregnant. However, some women's egg may be released much more early, such as whilst you are still having your period. This is when women become pregnant.
Yes it is especially if you are breast feeding. i didnt have my period for a year whilst breastfeeding my son.
Yes, still possible. Some women get pregnant from having had sex whilst on their period. (This happens more frequently than you'd think). That is why contraception is recommended at all times of the month.
no the beer foam does not get u drunk
i had my period for about 3 both heavy and light. my doctor said stress.
No definitely not, however it could lead to terminal boredom. there is nothing more boring then a drunk.
Get drunk, have children, get more drunk, have more children and then die at a young age from malnutrition :)
you might get drunk after a pint or more then if you have to much alcohol you will be really sick
The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy