If being bulimic made you underweight, you should have a stronger than usual appetite and will quickly revert to what your regular weight would have been.
After any weight-diminishing sickness, appetite picks up and one can gain weight at up to four times one's normal rate of growth.
Anorexia and bulimia are very serious eating disorders. People who are anorexic or bulimic can lose as much or as little weight possible. Some people can be 10 pounds underweight, some can be 40 pounds underweight. If you know someone who is anorexic or bulimic tell them that you are worried about them and strongly encourage them to get professional help.
Yes you can gain weight being bulimic. The hardcore bulimics who actually lose weight from being bulimic are the ones who are dying. They are no different than the people who are malnourished and starving. Is it worth it? NO. If you want to lose weight and not lose control over your life then just calorie count and exercise. There is no shortcuts. Unless you can afford surgery but then you have to be able to risk it. EVERYONE i know who has had some type of weight loss surgery had severe complications.
being bulimic is where you make yourself throw up to try to lose weight
Bulimia will not help you lose weight.Only healthy eating and exercise will do that.You can lose weight being Bulimic but it will happen much slower then an anorexic. Also most of what you lose is water weight not actual weight. It depends on what kind of bulimic you are as well.
Haha. YES.
you can but being bulimic sucks its depressing and it makes you feel like a pirate who just got killed by Jack Sapparrow
Yes, often there will be a significant weight gain. The time it takes to gain that weight depends on how much is being consumed and various factors about the individual person.
Sure, you may become slightly thinner but you are also more prone to having yellow teeth (ew) and and scars on your fingers. The acid also is really bad for your stomach/throat. It basically burns the inside of you. And besides, bulimia is the process of binge eating followed by throwing up, which doesn't get rid of all the calories you just ate - so many people with this eating disorder don't lose any weight at all. It's really just a 'trick the scale' game. Meaning your scale tells you that you weigh less after you throw up, when in fact, you do not. So please dont become bulimic.
In this situation whether or not you start gaining weight again shouldn't be a factor!! Eating nothing but iceypoles is extremely bad for your health. You may prefer the way you look on the outside because of the weight loss but the damage you are doing internally to your body could end up being irreversible. I would recommend going to a doctor, describing your situation to him and asking him to suggest a sensible eating plan. Good luck but PLEASE start eating properly.
I am bulimic and if you throw up the food on the first day of the diet purposely, you should be careful because this may be the first step to becoming bulimic. If you keep overeating and then feeling that you should throw up the food it will become a habit. Misery loves company so don't listen to anyone who tells you that they prefer purging their food as a quick weight loss! By making yourself purge (vomiting) your stomach is a muscle and once it gets use to this then it won't be able to stop and you're in big trouble. Diets do work! People who say they don't are lazy or impatient. Two good diets are 'The South Beach Diet' and 'Weight Watchers.' I prefer Weight Watchers because it's not really a diet, but teaching you corrective eating habits. It's not bad at all and I've been on it a couple of times and go back for 'tune-ups' after the winter months to shed a few pounds. There is lots of encouragement, you can eat just about anything, but the secret is the quantity you eat. Be smart and do it right! No, not bulimic. A lot of people do this on diets, as long as you don't keep doing it often you wont develop an eating disorder. EDs are however not so much about the behaviors as the thought process behind them. for example someone who wants to lose weight for prom or bikini season may starve themselves or stop eating to lose the weight but if they have a general like for themselves and their body then they are not eating disordered in this case its just a diet. == == I think the term "bulimic" is thrown around too much. merely throwing up food does not mean you are bulimic, according to http://www.pale-reflections.com/diagnostic.asp bulimia is characterised by: " A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following: # eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances # a sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating) B. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise. C. The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors both occur, on average, at least twice a week for 3 months. D. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight. E. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of Anorexia Nervosa. now, the fact that you threw up your food is a worrying sign of a bad relationship with food, but it mayn't develop into an eating disorder. It is not normal to throw up after eating, but, the above poster was correct in saying that if you should happen to vomit after eating without making yourself purge then you are not necessarily a bulimic. If you do rush off to the washroom to purge your food after eating because you admitted you felt guilty this is a road to being bulimic.
it depends what you mean by bad eating habits, over eating can lead to a person being over-weight, under eating can lead to a person being underweight..