You bleed A LOT when you have a miscarriage and during your period you also bleed bright red so see a doctor if unsure. Take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after.
Sometimes. If the blood is a dark or brown color it is dead blood and not much to worry about. If it is a red color it is fresh, or living blood. It could be a ... not sure of the word in English, but a "menace" of miscarriage.
The bleeding you experience during a miscarriage is notyour period. It is bleeding due to losing the baby.
absolutely this could be a miscarriage. a doctor will likely suggest bedrest. if the spotting changes to bright red, get to emergency.
as your doctor. call them now.
Technically, it's not actually clotted blood that gets discharged during your period or after a miscarriage. The substance expelled also contains cells from your womb etc, and if it's a miscarriage it would also most likely contain foetal cells. So yes, you will get lumpy discharges after a miscarriage.
if this is the only bleed you have had since the miscarriage then it is just your body getting rid of whats left in the womb. bleeding after a miscarriage can and usually does last up to a month so dont worry until it goes on longer than that. The thick red mucus is just the thickened lining of the womb where it thickened to accomodate the baby. try not to worry. a midwife
Yes, snakes actually bleed very badly during child birth. The blood is blue and if there isn't much blood, something is wrong with the snake.
Properly done ear piercings don't bleed. You have hit a vien.
A heavy bleed sounds like a miscarriage. See your doctor.
Blood is blotted at 30-second intervals during a bleed time test to assess how quickly the blood stops clotting. This helps to evaluate the function of platelets and clotting factors in the blood.