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I read in this health book , i think it was the healthy food guide that you burn slightly more calories sleeping than just sitting and watching. It has something to do with your body repairing cells and other stuff it has to work slightly harder than when you're just sitting.

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12y ago

In my opinion sleeping burns more calories than watching TV.

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Do you burn more calories asleep or watching TV?


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about 20000 and maybe more

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Because you burn calories while sleeping

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Just being lazy burns more calories than sleeping, which is the least amount of activity your body can generally have outside of being in a coma. Your brain burns between 5 and 25% of the total calories you burn in any 24-hour period.

Does watching too much tv affect your weight?

Well, sort of. Watching TV is a very passive occupation(you don't move around a lot), and if you don't move you don't burn many calories. And if you only burn a few calories it gets easier and easier to eat more calories than you loose over a day. And if you're eating more calories than you burn the excess calories will stay with you as weight gain.

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You lose the same amount, but in the morning you will continue to burn calories throughout the day after your workout, because when you are sleeping your mind and body shuts down, not allowing yourself to burn calories.

What burns more calories sleeping or watching?

watching because its like that when you watch your eyes start to like close and you put energy to your eyes to leave them open like more better than closing them and the energy burns more fat than sleeping. thanks. by:yashvi kumar

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Depends if the clothe is hot it will burn more calories but if its normal clothe it won't burn alot of calories.

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Juices don't burn calories.

Do you lose weight playing tennis?

Yes the longer and harder you play the more calories you'll burn. You burn about 15 calories an hour just sitting, so if your running around a court swatting a ball you probably burn somewhere around 600 calories an hour plus it builds up your metabolism which means you'll burn more calories sitting or sleeping. So YES you will lose weight playing tennis.

You burn more calories while sleeping than you do performing this activity?

The avergae person burns about 1 calorie per minute sleeping. This is roughly equivalent to sitting still while awake. Almost every activity burns the equivalent or more calories than that.