If your girlfriend likes being spanked or anyone you know seem to take pleasure in it then you should probably spank them (provatly, and make sure you have a relation ship with them first)
WHAT ARE YOU SAYING NO!!! I love a good hard spanking on my Bare bottom till I can't sit very comfortably. Its my favourite thing to do. Im actually about to get one for being on the computer LETS HOPE ITS HARD!!!
Yes your butt can hurt, but its probley from sitting on your butt all day and being lazy or you maybe just have to take a crap!!
we don't you idiotic fool
Oh, dude, in that episode of Victorious, Tori doesn't actually get her butt spanked by a lobster. It's just a silly rumor that gets spread around the school, like most high school drama. So, no need to worry about Tori having any crustacean-related mishaps!
Anything but a priest.
It depends on who you like to touch your butt. A lot of gay and straight men find anal stimulation arousing. Some guys even like to get spanked. It's a common "erogenous zone" -- a place that turns you on when it gets stimulated.
It depends on the man. Some men like it, some men don't. Talk about it first. If he says it's okay, do it. If he says it's not okay, don't do it. I spank my boyfriend's butt on his birthday every year. And he spanks my butt on my birthday every year. We just do it for fun. On his last birthday, he was 41 years old so I spanked his butt 41 times. On my last birthday, I was 33 years old so he spanked my butt 33 times. We don't do it to hurt each other, we do it for fun.
Yes, I have. Once with my leather belt while I was kneeling on the sofa and once with a wooden paddle while I was over her knees. Both times I was spanked on my bare butt.
They like them because of the junk in the butt and the d cups
If you are thinking along the lines of physical abuse because your mother spanked your bare butt then think again as you probably deserved it. If you complain about being spanked to get even with your mother you could well end up with Child Aid banging on the door and you could be put in Foster Care. Physically abusing anyone is constantly hitting; slapping; kicking or pushing another. If you do not like being spanked on the bare butt then think things over and decide if you are going to have the respect for your mother she deserves.
A fat women's car haha lmao my grandma drives one like that and she has a huge butt.
Some Men do and some don't