Many women do; many women don't. It's totally a matter of taste. If you have chest hair, then you'll naturally attract women who like it; if you don't, you'll naturally attract women who like smooth chests.
Some women do ; BUT we absolutely as a sex, hate BACK HAIR; if you have any guys, please get to the laser clinic today and get it removed...
Different women have different tastes; probably about half of women prefer some chest hair on men--and some of them even prefer LOTS of chest hair.
it depends on the woman... a little bit of hair is always a safe route=)
because he like chest hair
Like men's hair
Men sometimes lose chest hair
64% of white men do have chest hair, according to a study quoted by Wikipedia.
YES. Men do like female armpit hair. Most men like it, but don't admit it. Some men don't like female leg hair. But most straight men do think female vagina and armpit hair is sexy. A growing number of men like hirsute women that do not shave at all. I am one.
Some women like such men. Also some women like hairy men. So it depends.
Most ladies, like men who have a hairy chest first of all. There is nothing sexier to a real women than a man with a hairy chest.
None; chest hair and body hair are determined by genetics and age and by nothing else. If the adult men in your family have chest hair, then you probably will get some too--though in many men chest hair doesn't grow in, or grow in fully, until their 30s.
Different men get chest hair at different times. Many 13- or 16-year-olds will have some, and for a lot of men their chest hair grows in in their 20s, but most men's body hair doesn't finish growing in until they're in their 30s. You could be completely hairless and then suddenly start growing body hair in your 30s. Not all men develop chest hair, however, but most men have at least some.
They find it smells good. Men like the smell of a woman.