depeds on the girl, like if its a nerd then yeah, but if its a pretty blonde, they usually go for dark brunettes or other blondes
I don't know about guys and girls but i do know about girls and guys! i have a crush on this red headed boy and so does my friend and also my worst enemy so most girls do like guys with red hair.
That is a matter of personal opinion, not all guys like the same things.
I don't know if guys like them, but I hope they do, because I'm a blackbelt redhead!
I don't know it depends on the girl's taste.
Black is very good for Boys. It do good and very beautiful to see. Even girls also like the boys whose hair is in black colour. use black colour to your hair . Guys are more interested in who you are than in the color of your hair. Some guys like black hair; some guys like blond hair; some guys like brown hair; some guys like red hair; and some guys are turned on by a woman with a bald head. Some guys loose interest if you color your hair, because they think you are trying to be someone you are not. It is best to be yourself to attract boys who are interested in being with you (not just with your hair).
They don't.
They don't.
Either one is fine.
hmpf if you want that poofy hair or whatever for a girl , get like a bunch of layers, and tease the top and mid parts of your hair, possibly dye it black with like pink or red, for guys , black with highlights over eye , spike hair like a sidehawk
Edward's hair is a red color. Not like red red but the hair color red. It is soft and has a slight wave.
All the guys including Bill has said more then once they don't care about the color of a woman's hair. Bill himself has crushes on women with with both blond and dark hair and he if someone knows that it's easy to change color. You don't fall in love with someone based on their haircolor.