Not anymore but I hear you can take a 1300 barrel and have gas ports added
and that should work.
At this time no,there are not any available.You could have a model 1300 slug barrel redone and have the gas ports added to this barrel.Then it will work fine in your model 1400 Winchester shotgun.
Not too sure but I do know a Sears Model 300 barrel (their clone of the 1400) will not fit a 1400 action.
I can say with certainty that the Winchester model 1400 made from 1984 onward was available with a vent rib barrel.The Winchester model 1400 MK-II was only made from 1968-1972 thou,and I do not know if this option was available.
You can try Hasting's. They make after market barrels.
the value of a Winchester 20 gauge model 1400 and the history? the value of a Winchester 20 gauge model 1400 and the history?
The Winchester model 1400 shotgun was made by Winchester from 1964-1981.
It should work perfectly. Winchester made the Sears Ted Williams Model 300 and they used their Model 1400 to do it. Other than some minor differences in the wood and markings, they are the same.
Yes. The gas ports on the 1400 barrel will fill up with dirt/powder residue but it will work fine. I have been using an cut down 1400 barrel on my 1300 for many years.
the Winchester model 1400 was made from 1964 to 1981.
The number 1400 refers to the Model number of your Winchester shotgun.