Most definitely Yes. You are looking at the high end pellet rifles known as PCP (Precharge Pneumatic Guns ) they require a Scuba tank or a pump to charge them. Some use a small tank on the rifle to hold the charge. Usually you can get 8 to 10 shots out of one charge. They Come in .177, .20, .22 , .25, 9MM, 45 Cal and 50 Caliber. The 50Cal will bring down a Moose. The slug travels at about 600 FPS. If you want to see some of the Rifles go to a web site hosted by Pyramydair, and look at the assortment of PCP rifles. Surprisingly they are several in an affordable range around $400-$600. It's the scuba tank that adds to the final cost. But you get several charges out of one scuba tank. I suggest that you look at the Sam Yang Big Bore 44 or the ShinSung Career Dragon Slayer 50 Cal. Both are powerful rifles. See related link.
As most mammals, the elk gets air by breathing in and out!
Prey: Elk and hares anything to kill: coyotes, elk and hares what can kill you: Bull elk, cow elk and a strange encounter
The largest deer you can reliably kill each time with a 30-30 Winchester would be a whitetail. You can take elk and others in that class but I highly don't recommend it.
no, bears only eat fish and berries but a coyote will kill elk and then a vulture or a hyena will eat the remains.
Deer, bear, elk, moose.
With a heart, spine, or lung shot, a .35 Remington will kill an elk. Load it with 275 grain bullets. With leverevolution powder from Hornady, a .35 Remington is much more adequate than you need it for elk.
Elks make their homes out of Elk Home Making Kits
Deer or Elk.
Yes If it's a 50 Cal PCP Air Rifle. PCP's (PeCharges Pneumatic) air rifles & guns are designed to hold a pressure of 2000 to 3000 PSI and can take down large game like Deer and Elk. PCP also come in 45 Cal and 9mm along with .177, .20, .22 & .25 Caliber. PCP's are the high end of Air rifles and guns.
To hunt elk you sniff them out with your scent marker, I believe the button is V. Then you run after them and bite them until you kill them.