You cant buy it as a gophone, you have to buy the gophone and the lg vu separately. I would recommend if you are looking to get a gophone, buy the cheapest gophone, then buy the lg vu. Do not registar the sim card with the gophone register it with the lg vu. Then it should work. If that does not work go to the att store they will glady register the phone for you.
If you have a gophone and looking to buy a lg vu, take you old gophone to an att store buy the lg vu, ask if they can set up the phone for you. They probably will have to transfer your gophone sim card to a new sim card cause your gophone sim card is only registered for your gophone. You will still have the gophone service, same phone number and all your gophone features will work with this new sim card. Note* just in case, Make sure the phone works before leaving the store.
I did this recently i got myself a Samsung eternity and works great! I replaced it with an old gophone i had. So yes the lg vu can be used as a gophone. As well all att cell phones e,xcept the iphone (with the new update) and blackberrys, can work with the gophone.
Yes you can send SMS text messages on the LG Vu
no the lg vu does not come with a stylus pen
I would say from personal experience, a LG Vu. I have one of each and i enjoyed both of them, but an Lg Vu has more/better features than a Pantech Matrix. If someone had to chose between the two of them i would suggest a Lg Vu.
Lg shine by far!
You can buy the lg neon for $92.32 as a GoPhone, Walmart defiantly sells them.
LG dare and LG Voyger
The LG-VU costs (depending on online rebates) about $299.00.
In some ways the Iphone is betta with all the applications..But all over the LG Vu is better. lg vu suck i have that phone too but it suck i like the iphone better
There is no way to change the banner on the LG VU. When I first got my VU I tired for days to change it and itimposable. AT&T is the permanent banner. Sorry