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The citizen Taser C2, X26c and M26c, shoot out 2 probes connected to an electrical wire. These probes can reach 15 feet.

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Q: Do tasers realy shoot out
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What is the other name of stun gun?

Some people also call them Tasers. But Tasers are different, since they have wires with probes that shoot out several feet beyond the handle to reach an attacker. The stun gun does not shoot out probes and in order to stun the attacker, you have to be at arms reach.

Where are TASERs used?

Tasers are used in the UK when a suspect is suspected to be armed

Who do tasers hurt?

Tasers cause pain in anyone who is touched with the discharged prongs.

Can felons carry a taser in Iowa?

can felonies carrie tasers in Iowa

Are tasers legal in California?

Tasers are legal to be carried by ciitizens in California, once they pass a felony background.

What is good about tasers?

there size

When should tasers be used?

Tasers can be used when a person is a danger to themselves or others. They are an alternative to firearms, when the situation allows for it.

Is chocolate yellow?

for some people who see colour differently chocolate is indeed yellow otherwise you are realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy realy stupid.

What kind of store can I buy a taser in?

It is very hard to fined tasers in Canada because tasers are prohibted from entering Canada, howeaver tasers are not ileagal. tasers are "restricted". this means it is illegal to Cary them to a publik gathering and/or a government meeting. Eaven after much reserch i have been unable to fined a legal deeler in Canada.

Are tasers legal in Australia?

No they are not you can get charged for having one, although many states are trialling the use of tasers in the police force.

What rhymes with gazers?


What are the release dates for Supermodels with Tasers - 2014?

Supermodels with Tasers - 2014 was released on: USA: 25 April 2014 (Chicago, Illinois)