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No, I defintely don't believe that. Men actually like feeling like they are the only ones the are "REAL" successful. They like knowing that they wear the pants in the relationship. Rather they like to admit it or not, they are like to be the sole "breadwinner".

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Q: Do successful business men only like successful women?
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Do business schools have competitive priorities?

Yes. There are four main priorities that relate not only to business schools, but any successful business. They include: Cost, Quality, Flexibility, and and delivery time importance. You should distinguish the four by specifically describing how they relate to the schools business techniques, not teaching techniques.

What is the difference between an entrerpeneur and a small business enterprise manager?

A manager gets paid whether or not the company makes any money. An entrepreneur only makes money if his investment is successful.

What is the need for management in business?

Every boat need a sailor to sail the boat to the destination As management in the company is so much important,that only can think about this. A management is all in all responsible of the business success and failure, If companies management lacks the ability to take the corrective measure against the Opportunity and Threat exists in the industry requirement then an organization can't be successful.

What are the functions of planning?

To make any business successful planning needs to be your first priority. Without successful planning you can only plan for your business to fail. Planning is setting goals and objectives ahead of time so you can have a solid foundation or structure for the future. As Management should understand when you set objectives you must set them into two different categories called qualitative and quantitative. When you set quantitative goals you must go off of how many employees you may need, the numbers of units produced, etc. When you set qualitative goals you are going to look at the quality of the employees (i.e. setting performance goals for your staff, etc).

What is the difference between business risks and project risks?

Business risks are more general than project risks. Business risks affect the whole business, while project risks may only affect the project. Note the "may" here, as business risks can (and usually are) risks to the project, but the opposite is not necessarily true.

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Are there more business men than business women?

Yes, 67% are of businesspeople are men whereas only 33% are women.

Why communication is successful in business?

Communication is the key role in Business because,only if one know to communicate then the business can run properly

When do you say that the business is successful?

Business is successful only in the eyes of its stakeholders. Which generally would be increase in revenue and the fact that, their targets goals set at the beginning of the year were met or exceeded.

What does it mean if all business women blush dark red with only one businessman?

That means that they all like the same man.

How to run a successful business when you are only 14?

You can run a successful business at any age. You just need to have a good idea, and make a list of what products you will be needing to run the business. Start from there, figure out how to get those supplies, because if you can't get the supplies for the business, then it won't work.

Why was cleopatra successful as a queen?

She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.She was not a successful queen. She was only successful at becoming a queen.

Views on topic women are good managers?

Yes, without a doubt I can agree with the statement that women are good managers. With the industralised and competetive world like todays women are not only managing there homes well but also their respective job positions. These days you come across so many successful women who are not only there for their families but are also climbing the cooperate ladder.

Can a woman be a leader in an orthodox Jewish business community?

Only in women's groups

What would you recommend to Shanghai VW to remain successful in the future?

The only secret to a successful business that I know of is this: Provide a demanded, quality product (or service) at a fair price cost effectively.

On The New Adventures of Old Christine what type of business does Christine run?

A Women-Only Gym

What if you only like women when a man is present?
