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No, they get copied

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Q: Do songs disiper from a CD if imported onto itunes?
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How can you put napster songs onto your iPod?

To put a song on your Apple device, you have to download the song onto your computer. Then you upload it into iTunes. Then you can sync iTunes with your device which copies the songs onto it.

What is interesting about iTunes?

the thing that is interasting about itunes is that you can download songs onto your ipod

How do you get all of your purchased songs onto your i pod?


Where do you get songs for a iPod?

If you have iTunes, you can rip CDs onto your library and sync them onto your iPod. You can also buy and download songs from iTunes and put them on your iPod. If you have an iPod touch, you can also get songs from the iTunes app, which is always a default app on the iTouch.

How do you put songs onto your ipod from iTunes?

To put a song on your Apple device, you must first put it on iTunes. You can do that buy importing a mp3 file from your computer, or purchasing it from iTunes directly. Then you can sync iTunes with your device which copies the songs onto it.

How do you put songs onto my ipod from itunes?

To put a song on your Apple device, you must first put it on iTunes. You can do that buy importing a mp3 file from your computer, or purchasing it from iTunes directly. Then you can sync iTunes with your device which copies the songs onto it.

I created an account for itunes at school how do you put songs from your computer at home onto your ipod with a different acoount at home?

You have to burn the songs onto a CD then upload the CD to iTunes.

Do you need to have iTunes to have an itouch?

I have an iPod touch, i have Limewire and iTunes. All the songs I download with Limewire go right onto my iTunes therefore not paying for the songs.

How do you get songs onto your ipod from iTunes?

if the songs are on ur computer. Just convert them first.

How do you pay for your songs on the iPod touch?

You buy the songs on itunes and download them onto your ipod.

How do you you transfer songs from imesh onto itunes?

yo; you suckkk

Can you download songs to your ipod from LimeWire if you copy them onto itunes?
