All weapons have a saftey, it is the USER. If you mean a mechanical one, some revolvers do and some don't
Revolvers do not have safetys
No. There are derringer pistols that have no safety, and a few revolvers made in 9mm caliber with no safety. There have been several 9mm pistols made with no safety.
Yes, there are several. Most revolvers do not have (or need) a safety. Lever action rifles and guns with external hammers usually did not have safeties.
make sure the gun is empty. there are no safeties on revolvers
there are no safeties on revolvers. keep cylinder under hammer empty or keep cylinder empty. then gun is safe....................
As Singapore was a British colony during the time, it mostly used British weaponry such as Enfield No.2 Mk 1, Webley IV, and Webley VI revolvers, as well as the Lee-Enfield rifle, and the Bren light machine gun. However, something of note is that the Singapore Police used Webley IV revolvers that had a special safety catch on it, which is unusual on revolvers.
Single action, double action, double action only. There have been automatic revolvers (the Webley-Fosberry) There have been ball-and-cap revolvers, and even one flintlock revolver (did not work well) There have been tip up revolvers, top break revolvers, and swing-out cylinder revolvers. There was one revolver made to shoot triangular bullets, and some to shoot shotgun shells. There have been revolvers with 2, 3, or MANY barrels. There have been 4 shot, 5 shot, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12- or more- shot revolvers. There were revolvers that loaded from the front, the bottom, and the rear. All in all, there are probably several HUNDRED different types of revolvers.
Amount of hand work involved
Yes, the H and R 922 revolvers are a dependable firearm.
Yes, revolvers are still being made- including new calibers and new designs. Revolvers remain very popular for defense, target shooting, and hunting.
No, they did not.