the chargable cell different from ordinary dry cell like.Like chargeable cell can be charged ;And ordinary dry cell cannot be charged .
They are in general, but this depends on the kind of battery.
Household single-cell batteries (AA, AAA, etc.) vary case by case while other batteries designed specifically for electronic devices
(laptop batteries, iPod batteries, etc.) are always rechargeable.
Single-cell batteries such as AA batteries are usually Alkaline and with the exception of a few rechargeable alkaline batteries, they are disposable.
Constantly replacing batteries gets expensive over time, so rechargeable batteries are available. While they can cost 10 times more than disposable batteries, they last for hundreds of recharge cycles. With improving technology in battery technology, rechargeable household batteries these days typically do not require conditioning and can even be used straight out of the box, pre-charged.
Basically, if your AAA or AA battery does not say "rechargeable" on it, do not try to charge it. Doing so can cause combustion or other severe damage.
Batteries that are built to power specific devices are usually made of lithium cells and provide more power, always being rechargeable. While these batteries are more convenient, they are often impossible to replace and suffer from gradual capacity loss over a span of several years.
No. They just last longer than regular batteries. They should not be recharged.
I have always used rechargeable batteries in my camera. They last longer (regular AA and AAA drain very fast in digital cameras) and are better for the environment.
Energizer rechargeable batteries last a lot longer than other researchable batteries. On average, they are considered one of the best types of rechargeable batteries. The life of the battery is superior. Also the company itself has better service and availability.
Simply because they are smaller, and last longer than other types of rechargeable batteries.
Rechargable batteries have many great advantages. One of the advantages is that you will save money in the long run. You will be able to use them a lot longer that regular batteries. It can also help you if you need batteries at the last minute and dont have time to go buy new ones.
Rechargeable batteries can range anywhere from $9 to $30 depending on the voltage and quantity of batteries. I find Duracell makes the most cost effective purchase for rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries can last you about 2-3 years.
the most common non rechargeable battery is alkaline batteries. the more expensive batteries contain more lithium. the lithium batteries last a lot longer. you can also buy heavy duty batteries. although it sounds like they should last longer..they don't. heavy duty batteries are actually a step down from alkaline.
It all depends of the type of batteries and what you areusing them in.
There is no specific way to insure that batteries are new and are going to last. Avoid batteries that are labeled heavy duty. Alkaline batteries perform better and last much longer. Rechargeable batteries are also an option.
Lithium batteries are made up of different chemicals than regular batteries to help it last longer and be easier on the environment when they are dead.
Lithium batteries last longer on a full charge, but are non-rechargable. Nickel metal hydride batteries are rechargeable but won't last as long per charge as lithium. Which is better depends on your needs.
NO they do not