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It's never been proven (or disproven) that humans can spontaneously combust. There are several cases where SHC has been the first cause of death (most of which were later said to have been caused by a cigarette butt or ember causing the fire). What makes spontaneous combustion so interesting is that the extremities often remain intact. Though the torso and head are charred beyond recognition, the hands, feet and part of the legs may be unburned! Also, the room around the person usually shows very little or no signs of a fire - aside from a greasy residue that is sometimes left on furniture/walls. Not all spontaneous human combustion victims simply burst into flames - some develop strange burns on their body which have no obvious source. And not every person who has caught on fire has died -- a small percentage of people have actually survived what has been called their spontaneous combustion. ­

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Q: Do people spontaneously combust
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