They do stuff that normally would be embarrassing but for a clown his job and to you funny.
Remember the only person that can make you mad is yourself.
Short term memory loss, or spacing out
No you have to remember a lot of stuff about the different weddings people can have
That person was just being mean. Some people say stupid stuff every day.
Why do you remember stuff? Same reason.
Yes, and then some. They remember more than we give them credit for.
Study with someone or by yourself with a peppermint scented object or candy an it helps you remember stuff better
well, some people doesn't steal stuff but others do. that's why you need to be careful
because you dont want an someone teaching you the wrong things, like the stuff they dont remember
tell your teacher or any adult! an adult is the best person to tell it to! do not leave it alone you have to tell someone right away!!! :)if you think you feel like you are being a taddle tailer by telling someone still do it! don't think about the people who are sending bad stuff to you just say it that way they will leave you alone!this is what i would try:ignore the person sending you bad stuff, or sending bad stuff to other people about you.tell an adult if ignoring still does not work!
The reason you have brown stuff in your underwear is because you didn't clean yourself properly. Not wiping yourself can lead to an embarrassing stain on your underwear as a result of waste that was not cleaned up properly.