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Yes, some do. They mix it up and inject it. However, these are not actual bath salts, but a misbranded narcotic. This is a very dangerous substance which has led to bizarre behavior, violence, and even amputations. A woman injected this stuff and lost her arm to a flesh-eating bacteria. A man using bath salts attacked a homeless man, blinded him in both eyes, and started eating his face. He was shot to death by the police. Another man on bath salts made aggressive sexual moves towards a child in public and exposed himself. So don't use this stuff in any form, and certainly don't inject it. Since it is not legal as a drug, there is no quality control and no scrutiny over its manufacturing processes. So there is no telling what Infectious Diseases or poisons are in it.

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Q: Do people inject bath salt
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Yes, the same way you would inject anything else. Does that mean it's safe? ..Absolutely not.

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i know i know what this new craze is about white cloud bath salt i know what it is. it is (BATH SALT)

Is bath salt soluble?

Yes. If it were not soluble it would not work well as bath salt.

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You smoke the bath salt "from" the glass tube not on it

Can you smoke tranquility bath salt?

Ideally not, as there may be toxic volatile componds in the bath salt.

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tranquility bath salt 500 mg is stronger and better

Can a table salt bath cause weight loss?

Only if you drink it, Not recommended. People stranded at sea die from drinking salt water.

Can you inject bath salts?

The problem with Bath Salts is that even though they are legal in lots of places, often times they are extremely impure and have no business going into people's circulatory system. That being said, it's possible to do and acheieve a stronger higher.

Can salt kill you by injecting it in your blood stream?

it depends were u inject it at

When do you clam in salt water?

A Bath

How do you get high on bath salt?

By drinking it!