As Narcotics Anonymous are really a group of wildly differing people, some do, while others do not. The one common attribute of people at Narcotics Anonymous is a desire to stop using narcotics and continue not using narcotics.
The following is an opinion of one person, not of NA:
Note that many people in NA are also in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
Substituting one addition for another is not preferable. Also judgment is generally impaired while drinking alcohol, so overall it is not recommended. If it absolutely came down to drinking alcohol or taking narcotics, many might advise taking some alcohol to avoid taking narcotics. This should not be used as an excuse to drink alcohol.
Sikhs do not believe in drinking alcohol or any other intoxications.
Believe me; no.
George Washington Plunkitt's stance on drinking and alcohol is that he does not believe that you can be a successful politician if you are a drinking man.
The Mormons, the Seventh Day Adventists, and I believe the Methodists do.
no. i don't believe it. have a nice day. (:
There are no evidences to believe that Jesus Christ did not drink alcohol. The Mosaic law did not forbid drinking alcohol. Obviously Jesus did drink alcohol. In fact his first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding which indicates he was not against drinking alcohol.
I believe that drinking alcohol will never help the situation it can cause more problems than it is worth. If you think it is something your doctor should be concerned with tell him. So No it will not help.
Individual members may have ideas about that, which a person can either consider or disregard, but Al-anon as a whole has no official opinion on that issue. Members who believe they may need to stop drinking are free to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings to address that issue.
See your doctor today or tomorrow. Believe it or not, this symptom can be caused by blood cancer.
Teen drinking can be more dangerous than adult drinking because teenagers already suffer to some extent from poor judgment, simply because they are too inexperienced and are struggling with the biological and social transitions which the teenage years bring, and if they then use a drug which further impairs their judgment, the result can be really bad judgment. I do not believe that teenagers should be forbidden to consume alcohol, but I do believe that their alcohol consumption should limited to a moderate quantity, preferably not more than one drink per day.
A driver can be tested if there is reasonable cause to believe that they are operating under the influence of alcohol or other impairing factors (e.g.: medication - narcotics - anything that might empair their operation of a motor vehicle). Only alcohol can be screened via a breathalyzer. If it is suspected that the impariment is due to a factor other than alcohol, a BAT can be orderd.
It is estimated that 5,000 young people between the ages of 16 and 24 die from alcohol-related causes every year in the US. Most of them are binge drinkers. Some authorities believe that binge drinking is more harmful than steady consumption. As to how: likelihood of developing an addiction to alcohol and alcohol-related accidents are the usual means of damage.