they go shopping, go to the malls
Because the Arabic people is a lot of malls and shopping.
An advantage of a shopping mall is that you can go to more than one store without a lot of driving. A disadvantage to a shopping mall is that there are a lot of people.
because they have enough money
well, people will go ppinginstead of doing anything else
I think a lot...
Yes, there are a lot.
ya shopping malls are turning out to be a successful ventures as they have a lot to buy and attract people. they have everything from your dresses to the departmental items you need to lead a good and healthy life.
i dont know about malls, but i do know that the bass proshops hire people just to fly them across the U.S. and go to yardsales and other places to get decorations.
more people live in the city, so more people will go to that mall and buy things
There are a lot of shopping malls in Albuquerque, New Mexico. ABQ Uptown , Coronado Center, Cottonwood Mall, and Winrock Center are shopping malls in Albuquerque.
yess if u go on " people make malls and they r pretty cool:)))))))))))))