I don't believe people drink like cups of other people's blood at a time, as some people would consider vampires to do, rather they may taste their friends' blood often. Some people might find that wierd, but others find it...well tasty i guess
It depends on your definition of 'Normal', most people would not concider it normal to drink other peoples blood. However, there are groups of Churches which use real human blood for the last supper (instead of wine) as they take the bible more litterally. Also, there are also other people who call themselves, Sanguine Vampires, who believe they gain some kind of energy from drinking blood.
no _______________________________________ Never. Blood is forbidden for Muslims to drink. So, it is logic not to allow drinking human blood.
Usually bear blood and the blood that the other cullens drink
They suck blood but other peoples blood gets into your blood stream
Yes vampires do drink the blood of other creatures of the night but it is less pleasurable, most people think bad of the vampire race because of this but reapers are the worst because they suck the blood and life out of every creature, including vampires -Xander Vamp
Flies do not drink blood. They feed on other substances like nectar, decaying matter, and feces.
they would've drink their own blood ,or they drink water it has all the same nutritions blood has for a vampire it just tastes less enjoyible than blood sorryt if i mis spelled stuff hehe
Fruit flies do not drink blood. They feed on decaying fruits and vegetables, as well as other organic matter.
Aslam'o'alaikum...,! Most peoples are like meat,because it have very much calories,and it make powerful to peoples,it make blood and other compulsary protiness,it have a lot of calories ane protine,for that people like meat...,!
Well all animals eat something! Just like we eat all kinds of things from water to burgers to spaghetti. When we look at ticks and think "Why do they drink blood?" Its the same thing if a tick looked at us and said "Ewww, Why do they drink water?" !
When people sometimes just do it for fun to make people angry and to find out other peoples secrets and to steal other peoples money.
Yes they can,Only if the vampire is a cannibal,But they usually eat/drink blood from:Animals and Human :D