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yes and no

yes because it makes the world a safer place because countries that have them feel secure

no because it you attack someone like the united states well basically your srry you attacked us and you get blown to smithereens

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Q: Do nuclear weapons make the world a safer place?
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Did the world become a safer place regarding nuclear and biological weapons after the USSR collapsed?

No. Material becamr far easier to obtain and that makes the world less safe.

What is Bosnia and Herzegovina view for nuclear weapons?

They are a part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. They want the world to be free of nuclear weapons and also want to be part of making the world a safer place. "As a State Party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Bosnia and Herzegovina is fully committed to implementing the Treaty and stands ready to contribute to the international efforts to ensure its universality as a long term goal in promotion of security and prevention of proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world."

How does the UN hope to have peace and security through disarmament?

By reducing the nuclear armaments, the world can be a more safer place to live in because right now the stockpile of nuclear weapons around the world is able to destroy the whole world. Not only that by reducing the nuclear armaments, countries can have a better relations with each other.

Nuclear weapons have made the world a more dangerous place positive and negative aspects?


Indian rank in nuclear weapons in world?

fifth rank in nuclear weapons

Can Nuclear Weapons destroy the World?

If there are just enough nuclear weapons so yes they can destroy the World.

How did nuclear weapons affect world war 2?

Two nuclear weapons ended World War 2.

Nuclear weapons in World War 1?

There were no nuclear weapons in WW1. The nuclear bomb was not invented until WW2.

Why are nuclear weapons a good thing?

Nuclear weapons are a good thing for the United States because they prevent others from using nuclear weapons on the US. In general, the world would probably be a better place without nuclear weapons if it weren't for the fact that they lead to research in all fields of Nuclear Engineering, like Nuclear Power plants and Nuclear Physics. Since nuclear weapons already exist in the world, for the US to get rid of their nuclear weapons would be unwise. Countries that dislike nuclear weapons or even radical terrorist cells and organizations would now have no reason not to launch a nuclear warhead at the US since no retaliation would occur. The strategy of nuclear weapons preventing others from using them against the US is called the Deterrent Strategy.

Does Egypt have nuclear weapons?

Egypt is not believed or suspected to have nuclear weapons, or a nuclear weapons program, at this time (May 2009). See Related Link for a discussion of the world's nuclear powers.

What is the proliferation of the nuclear weapons?

In the most basic sense, proliferation of nuclear weapons is the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons usable technology in the world. In a much broader sense, it refers to the acquiring of capability to produce nuclear weapons, or weapons-grade nuclear material (high-enriched uranium, plutonium) by states previously not possessing them.

What makes a world superpower?

nuclear weapons