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no i dont think so

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Q: Do nerb guns get ruend when get wet?
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Do Nerf guns work when they're wet?

The ones without batteries, yes. Ones with, NO.

Is World of Warcraft worth it?

It is if your not addicted. If you get addicted to even one thing I sugest dont play it or your life is ruend. but I say yes its worth it.

What ages are addicted to meth maybe ages 18-50?

As a doctor it happens bettwen age 43-45 and after that you will be come a twecer and your life is ruend

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yes u may microwave you're cup of noodle. It's said it is bad for you're health but nothing has yet been proven...

Why was the 1963 prototype for the M-16 redesigned?

the main reason was because in the wet and muddy jungles of Vietnam the guns would often jam and cost the lives of many American troops

What is the origin for the idiom to keep one's powder dry?

The origin is in firearms. Old guns used black powder instead of cartridges, and if you let your powder get wet, your gun would not fire.

When was Wet Wet Wet created?

Wet Wet Wet was created in 1982.

What is the Collective noun for guns?

The collective nouns are a collection of guns, an armory of guns, or an arsenal of guns.

What type of guns are used today?

hand guns , long guns, Air guns , Rifle these are used as a firearms .

Is the band wet wet wet from Scotland?

yes wet wet wet are from Glasgow they are from clydebank

When was Weightless - Wet Wet Wet song - created?

Weightless - Wet Wet Wet song - was created in 2007.