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Yes, they do me.

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Q: Do narcotics make you smoke more cigarettes?
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Related questions

Why do you smoke ciggrates?

Meple make their own cigarettes because it can be a tad cheaper than buying them. Companies make cigarettes because they can make money by selling them.

What is the nicotine in electronic cigarettes compared to real cigarettes?

nothing its just and exsques to smoke more

How many cigarettes do people smoke per day?

There are 20 cigarettes in a pack. A heavy smoker will smoke 2.5 packs (50 cigarettes) or more per day. Others smoke 1-2 packs (20-40 cigarettes), and light smokers up to a pack.

Do cigarettes cause lung infections?

Cigarettes can cause more than lung infections. They can cause cancer, and even death. Cigarette smoke is just as bad as smoke from a fire, and with cigarettes, you are inhaling that smoke. The smoke from the cigarette can also cause cells to die, which is not good at all.

What kills you faster smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?

Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.

Does nicoten make you high?

Nicotine is a drug, and therefore can and will give you a feeling of euphoria for a short amount of time. Often, this is short lived due to the rapid absorption into the body, it also depends on how you smoke your cigarette. Holding in the smoke and inhaling a large amount of smoke will lead to more nicotine in the body. The 'high' will dissipate as you smoke more cigarettes or chew more tobacco because your body becomes immune to the nicotine (this is why people smoke more and more cigarettes, and find it increasingly difficult to quit)

How many cigarette do you smoke at once?

Typically, you smoke one cigarette at a time. I suppose it's possible to smoke more than that, but usually you only smoke one. Do not smoke multiple cigarettes, it will increase your addiction. Smoking 5 cigarettes at a time is like smoking marijuana.

Does jimmy bennett smoke cigarettes?

Yeah but he actually does cocaine a lot more.

Does Vic Fuentes smoke cigarettes?

No. He doesnt dring or smoke or do drugs, he says its not his thing. sign guess no more weed for me

Will you die when you smoke?

No, your more likely to die of smoke related disease but we are all going to die sometime and its as good a reason as any. The one thing you are more likely to suffer with if you smoke cigarettes is shortness of breath but it won't kill you, just make living very much more difficult

Does Denzel Washington smoke cigarettes?

Denzell Washington does not smoke cigarettes. He did smoke cigarettes when he was younger. He reportedly quit smoking more than 20 years ago.

What is the difference between cigarettes and chewing tobacco?

Both are addictive and make your teeth a different color. However, cigarettes are really deadly since it has chemicals that are not found, say, in a organic tobacco leaf. To give an idea, cigarettes have tar, nicotine etc.