Two effects of marijuana, depending on the person are:
Some people will experience the "munchies" and will, as a result, eat more food than they actually need, causing weight gain, not loss.
Other people lose their appetite entirely as the brain focuses on trying to clear the effects of the marijuana out of your system, because, even though it feels good to the smoker, the brain hates it and is being damaged every second the drug remains in the bloodstream.
So, scientifically, no, marijuana does not make you lose weight. But in some people it makes them lose their appetite.
Losing your appetite can be done without marijuana, such as brushing your teeth with very strong toothpaste.
Tenex is a blood pressure medicine and has not been shown to cause weight loss. Just the opposite, it has been known to cause weight gain.
The only way tobacco can cause weight loss is if you chain smoke & don't eat.
An over active thyroid can cause weight loss an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain
It does
Yes, rapid weight loss can cause adrenal fatigue. It can be extremely dangerous.
micropill can cause gain weight
Through loss of appetite; yes.
Some patients with vasculitic neuropathy will experience weight loss