No, only the poor ones. Black guys loves nothing more than their families. That's why other women of other races like about them.
it's about a women that was born poor but thinks that she was meant to be rich not poor!!!i read the story oky guys!!!
it's about a women that was born poor but thinks that she was meant to be rich not poor!!!i read the story oky guys!!!
lonely he was so lonely just like a poor dog wish him luck put it in a song
Helping poor women and children.
very badly like poor hobos
lonely islands of poverty mean that people are always left lonely if poor in simple terms no one comes in times of need
Life for poor women in 1912 was very difficult. They only served the purpose of providing cheap labor to the well-off families.
omg yeah im sittin right next to him and he is sooo lonely he wants someone to make him feel better =/ poor bronson
In 1881 a poor young women often suffered from poverty and poor health while a rich young women had many luxuries.
Do what? Do you mean how poor women surie in Egypt? Well, like any other undeeloped country, poor people, women and men, will hae to undertake any sort of basic employment, or beg for money in extreme cases.
they were very poor they cleaned their home and did most of the work in the family home