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Not far. I've taken one a half bottles, 1-3 pills a day and I feel like I lost a little weight, they tend to do their job more when I exercise and don't eat, but then if I do that are pills really contirbuting anything??? Probably not. I think If you're the type of person that only eats because they're hungry, not for enjoyment,boredom or while socializing, they will work because if you take enough (3 a day for me) they will make you feel full. They are supposed to be "mood enhancers" and I have not felt the effects of that at all.

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Q: Do lipoblast pills really work
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Does Lipoblast work?

Lipblast is a weight loss pill that will work for some people and not work for others. This has not been approved and you use it at your own risk.

When are you supposed to take lipoblast pills before food afterfood or with food?

Check the pill bottle for instructions and if none can be found, call the company and they will direct you on how to properly take it.

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What is lipoblast?

A lipoblast is a connective tissue that develops into a fat cell or an adipocyte. It is found in liposarcoma and has an abundant multi-vacuolated clear cytoplasm.

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hell no that stuff doesnt work. its really unhealthy actually.

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They will not be harmful, they will either still be good or if they really are expired they will simply not work or not work as well as they used to.

When are you supposed to take lipoblast slimming tablet morning or night?

2 in the morning 2 in the afternoon

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no. well, they aren't really happy pills. they are placebos. they're sugar pellets that you take. when you take them your brain thinks its working so you get strangely happy

Cali-gain pills really work?

yes! See here -

Does the Bromeline diet pills work?

Yes the pills are really effective. i lost 30 kg in a month. But soon after i regained 37kg when i left using the pills!!!!!!! plus they led to an increase in heart rate and tension and depression like situation.