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It is likely they would do so. Hover boards do not hover.

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Q: Do hoverboards scratch hard wood floors?
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No, each foot has an oversized roller pad designed to be floor-sensitive.

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Hard wood floors

Do cats scratch wood floors and if so, how can I prevent them from doing so?

Yes, cats may scratch wood floors. To prevent this behavior, you can provide scratching posts or pads, trim their nails regularly, use deterrent sprays, and provide alternative surfaces for scratching.

Can you vacuum clean a hard wood floor?

Hard wood floors can be vacuumed. Be sure to turn the beater bar on your vacuum off so as not to scratch your floor. It is recommeded you use the hose attachement and vacuum that way as you can get in the corners and along baseboards safely without damage to your floor.

Do dogs scratch wood floors?

It depends on the attitude of your pet. Some might, but they will do hardly any damage.

Are hard wood floors better than carpets?

Hard wood floors are considered better than carpets if someone has an allergy because carpets hold dust and pollen far more. Hard wood floors are also easier to clean. Carpets are better at giving a warmer feel to the room and are softer on the feet.

Can you clip a dogs nails so they won't scratch wood floors?

Yes, there are specialized nail cutters for pets.

How do you get the film off your hard wood floors?

That depends what kind of 'film' it is.

What is the best product for cleaning hard wood floors?

Vinegar and water

How much does it cost to remove hard wood floors?

It depends on who you get to do the job .I did it myself and it wasnt that hard

Which cleaning system is recommended for hardwood floors?

Oil based cleansers are great for hard wood floors. Water or too many chemicals can really mess up hard wood floors. Every once in a while you can use the steam shark it works great.

How do you get highlighter off hard wood floors?

wet paper towel with soap