most models are but not Victoria secret models there just right
Yes, alot of models are pressured to be skinny but then they get anerexia and all these other health issues and stresss, also they put pressure on us to look thin when we see them.
Designer Guys - 2002 Can You Be Too Thin was released on: USA: 23 October 2007
Many models are very tall and thin to begin with. They often watch what they eat and diet and exercise to maintain a thin frame. Many do have "poor" eating habits or eating disorders to maintain an extreme thinness, too.
For many years, model have been accused of eating disorders and being anorexic. This is increasing even more in the past few years. The reason behind this is mostly looks. Models are almost always tall and thin. Many people think that they are often "too" thin, and accuse them of having eating disoprders. Since many girls follow fashion closely, people worry that these images of tall, thin, and (sometimes, in the case of magazines) re-touched models are not good role models.
Yes some guys think that way. People are different, they are some who think differently too.
Why in the world would you think that's strange? Not all guys like their mates model thin. Some guys like a girl with some meat on her bones! Your wife may have been too thin. Perhaps gaining 15 lb. makes her more attractive to the vast majority of men, not just you. Regardless, if she's more attractive to you, then what difference does it make what other people think?
Too much tv can influence a person and possibly even cause eating diorders, like anorexia. It is heavily believed that tv shows personify images of how people "should" be. This is similarly thought to be done throguh fashion with models. Specifically on tv, commercials often feature thin models, there are constantly weight loss ads on, mdia portrays "thin is better", ect. This - especially in high amounts - can influence a person to think that they weight too much, causing them to possibly become anorexic or develop an eating disorder.
I think guys tease girls even if they like you, is because they are flirting with you, and want to impress you.
I think guys are pretty straight forward.. If they want to be with you, they wouldn't have broken up with you.
Because they think that being a size 6 (which we think is normal!) is being too fat and in their minds, models are not meant to be fat, they are meant to be tall and slim.
if he has an obsession too. I really doubt it if its an obsession.
guys dump girls randomly because they think they are too good to be with the girl he was with
That's the new thing "plus size" models. They're still too thin. a size 6 is not heavy.