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Well I am a guy and I don't like it , I see it as an act that diminishes my manly properties , and I can assure you most guys have the same thought of not liking it.

'Most guys' - how many do you know?

Most Guys as in 90% of the people I know in my society , and you can know the whole society's guys opinion , since in our eastern culture it never happens , and all of the people I do know , dont like it .

Some chaps that I know think it's sweet.

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Q: Do guys like to be kissed on the forehead?
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The correct spelling is face, just like you spelled it. Mom kissed me on the face--from my forehead to chin and on both cheeks!

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If you guys kissed I'm positive he likes you

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Some common areas that guys may enjoy being kissed include the lips, neck, and chest. However, preferences can vary greatly from person to person, so the best way to know for sure is to ask your partner directly.

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0 he kisses guys