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"Beauty is fleeting, but dumb is forever," comes to mind. Seems like love lasts if both partners have about the same level of interests, education and emotional intelligence. Every guy is an individual and so one can't say either way. Since you can't predict what they want, it is best to be yourself and the right guy will come along in time.


It all depends on the guy. If a guy is smart, self confident and has the wisdom to see the advantage of an intelligent woman, he will be attracted to intelligence. On the other hand, a dumb jock with the IQ of a football will just be looking for a female with what he considers to be desirable physical attributes.

SMART women shouldn't be interested in that kind of guy anyway. Hold out for someone who will be a "rung up" on the evolutionary ladder.


It really depends on the guy. For me (I'm a guy) I look at neither, its all about the personality to me.


I agreed with the answer above. I does depend on the guy. I look in to some beauty but I am also strongly in to the personality. Some one that's on about the same level of intelligence (hoping not so smart that I feel dumb) as me is another thing I look for too.

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Q: Do guys care if a girl is smart or is it all about looks?
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