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It is estimated that 3-8% of girls with a single X-chromosome and 12-21% of females with sex chromosome mosaicism may have normal pubertal development and spontaneous menstrual periods

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Q: Do girls with Turner syndrome go through puberty?
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Related questions

Does turner syndrome occur in boys?

No, Turner syndrome affects girls.

How long do people with turner syndrome live?

people (girls/women) with turner syndrome live as long as regular people do....turner syndrome does not affect life spancy

What lacking an X chromosome and are designated XO?

Girls with Turner's syndrome

Why does turner syndrome make girls short?

Turner syndrome causes short stature in girls because they are missing part or all of one of the X chromosomes. This chromosome abnormality affects growth and development, leading to a shorter overall stature. Additionally, hormonal imbalances in Turner syndrome can affect bone growth and result in reduced height.

Do only girls get turner syndrome?

Yes, only women are born with the TS.

Do girls get away from their families after puberty?

No not really girls like me go through puberty at the age of 8 and 16

How girls to be women?

By going through puberty.

Can boys get turner syndrome?

No, Turner syndrome is a genetic condition that only affects females, usually resulting in short stature and infertility. It is caused by a missing or incomplete X chromosome. Boys are typically born with one X and one Y chromosome, so they cannot have Turner syndrome.

Do girls go through puberty?

yes, all girls go through puberty. most girls enter puberty around the ages of 9-13 but some girls may start earlier or later. but just because they enter puberty doesn't mean they get their period yet. usually girls get their periods 1 to 2 years after they enter puberty. but some girls are different.They go through it just as much as boys do. It just works differently for girls then boys.

How many times do girls have puberty?

Males go into Puberty one time in their life.

How do girls become mature?

They go through puberty.

Does going through puberty make you into girls?

Yes it does.