Boys rule girls suck
5 Facts boys are better
1. first of all males where made before females.
2.Boys rule the world because they are stronger
3. Boys are faster at math.
4.Boys have better agility and stamina than females
5. Boys don't Give birth.
So how do you feel Dodder headBoys rule girls suck
5 Facts boys are better
1. first of all males where made before females.
2.Boys rule the world because they are stronger
3. Boys are faster at math.
4.Boys have better agility and stamina than females
5. Boys don't Give birth.
So how do you feel Dodder headIt is important to recognize that both girls and boys have unique strengths and abilities. Gender does not determine one's ability to rule or lead effectively. Leadership qualities are not inherently tied to gender, but rather to individual skills, experiences, and characteristics. It is essential to promote equality and inclusivity, allowing individuals of all genders to excel and contribute to society in various leadership roles.
Boys rule girls suck
5 Facts boys are better
1. first of all males where made before females.
2.Boys rule the world because they are stronger
3. Boys are faster at math.
4.Boys have better agility and stamina than females
5. Boys don't Give birth.
So how do you feel Dodder headBecause girls rule boys drool.
Boys are just as capable as girls. My rule of thumb is boys for boys, and girls for girls if at all possible.
Yes of cause boys rule girls drule
Because they were born that way, get over it dude! Girls rule boys drool!
yes they are there is no rule against it
Gender stereotypes like this can be harmful and unhelpful. It's important to treat all individuals with respect and not make assumptions based on gender. Everyone is unique regardless of gender.
Although I have no idea (sorry for wasting your time) girls should be more famous because girls rule. Boys are gross.
girls are just better than boys at everything. We're smarter, stronger, and ALWAYS right. Boys just cant do anything right because they aren't at the same level that girls are on. If the world was perfect, girls would rule everything and boys would be our personal slaves (:
Both boys and girls develop pubic hair during puberty as part of normal physical development. The amount of pubic hair can vary greatly among individuals, and there is no general rule about who has more.
This kind of fude has been going around a while, with comments like "Girlz Rule, and Boyz Drool!" and things like that. The question is, "Who is better- boys or girls?" Of course boys would think that boys are better, and girls would think that girls are better. What do you think? You can share your opinion in the Discussion Area for others to read online.
Hole in the Wall - 2008 I Girls Rule Boys Drool vs Tidal Waves 3-1 was released on: USA: 18 April 2011
it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.