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i used one to gget usted too it

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Q: Do girls need a bra at age 9?
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What type of bra should I buy?

Well, hello fellow reader :) I am 10 and I wear a girls first bra So do my class mates Normally girls wear crop tops/sports bra at the age of 9-12 You should really wear a first bra from 10-12 And people recommend a real bra at the age of 11- and onwards It depends. My friend tried a real bra. She said they were uncomfortable My other friends tried a first bra. We think they are quite comfortable :) Some can be uncomfortable. If you need them then wear them Some kids wear them at 8 years of age :)

When should a girl buy a bra?

Around the age 9-13, a girl will get her first bra or training bra.

What age do girls have breasts?

people grow at different stages but twelve is most likely when girls start but girls get breasts big enough to fit into standard size cups at thirteen. but who knows? everyone is different. :)

Do girls need bras?

yeah most girls do yeah well every girl will enventually need one. from the age 9- 100. well i hope this helped!

Can an eight year old girl wear a thong?

NO! when your young like the age 11 you should either be wearing a training bra or an under shirt. well, that's what youn think and I am eleven years old and allowded to wear a padded bra, but relly it NEEDSD TO depend on how big their chests are because they might need a padded bra, because little kids whio develop faster might outgrow traingin bras!!!!!!

Do eleven year old girls wear bras?

Yes, actually, some do. Girls go into puberty at various times but the average age is between 9 and 14. It's perfectly normal for an eleven year old to wear a bra, but not all of them do.

Do 8 or 9 year girls have to wear bra?

It all depends on if you have breasts - if you do it still depends on how big they are

At what age girls get puberty?

any age from 9-18.

Should girls 9 where padded bras?

Once a girl begins to grow breast they should start wearing a training bra. No reason to wear a padded bra because there isn't anyone to try and impress at that age. Not that anyone should ever try to impress anyone with breast size.

Why do boys whine at the age of 9?

The same reason girls whine at the age of 9. Because they're 9.

Is it too young to have a bra at nine if needed?

No bra is needed for a 9 year old unless she is developing early. If this is the case take her to a good department store and go to the foundation section. They have a lady to measure her and recommend a good first bra.

Is size 30a bra big for an eleven year old?

It is normal. Everybody grows at different rates. Some young girls start developing early from the age of 9. Others may not start until a little later.