Often,yes NOW MY ANSWER (I'm a girl and he... an angel my Gangle)
Any how, if they like you they'll be in heaven but they wont realize it at first, when they catch themselves they'll blush making you both feel awkward, making you blush, making the both of you blush harder! I hope my Gangle loves me back! (last name=Gangle take away the g=angle)
Stare back at them!
Girls like it when you look them in the eyes
Either that they really like you, or they don't like something about you... are they smiling or frowning while they stare?
well all girls are different some girls like when you stare at them but then you have them girls that don't like you staring at them, maybe they don't like you
becuase they are perves, and because they like you
Boys like girl's butts and their boobies. You can tell when you walk near them. They stare and stare.
it depend on the ability to admire or stare
It means that he thinks you are cute and wants you to look at him back. Flirt with him. If he doesn't like that, then he is just being a boy and boys stare at girls buts all the time.
Well if they stare at you that probably like you so stare back and see what they do .
Well sometimes they stare at you because you stare at them...or maybe they like you! But if there is a chance they do when they look at you smile at them then close your eyes and look away! It works everytime
Because they secretly have crushes on them and they cannot get anybody to like them.