Straight men are biologically hardwired to like vaginas. It's a primal instinct safe-guard to ensure that we will have intercourse and continue the species. If men stopped liking vaginas, the human race could be in danger.....
cuz they dont feel like having them
Girls don't think of penises much - only guys think about penises all the time.
girls like big penises so any kind of sex with a big one is theres favorite
Girls don't have penises. Penises are typically found on individuals assigned male at birth. If you're referring to a clitoris, it's a part of the female anatomy that serves a similar pleasure-inducing function. So, in short, girls don't have penises.
Girls don't have penises. Girls and boys are different that way.
Suck, Lick , Stroke, Rub
penises and vanginas
Feels good.
If u like girls also no,but if u like boys and their feet yes..
girls have a vagina and boobs and boys have penises.