Yes! Girls, well, we're not THAT picky when it comes to men's clothing! Just stick to a certain style but always present it in a neat or clean fashion. You know, like shave make sure you washed what you are wearing. Simple :)
Differs from guy to guy, however, most guys like nice girls.
Girls like nice guys so if you are nice it doesn't make much difference on the outside.
If they're nice guys. And girls can like guys even if he's ugly. :)
nice cute guys with a nice hair cut
I like (nice) girls soo not all guys do, just find the right guy
You should definitely be nice. The girls worth dating respond to guys that are nice to them. The girls that like cocky guys are usually the girls that no one should want to date anyway.
Guys like girls to smell nice and not sweaty or anything gross just smell nice and us guys will love you
Some guys like quite, nice girls but others don't. It all depends on the guy
Well I'll tell you this in high school the nice guy ALWAYS loses but after high school girls tend to learn what really matters and the nice guys win A LOT more.
It's nice to have pictures of a girl they like or dating with. It just gives guys something to remind them of girls.
Of course. Girls love nice guys.
We like girls for there nice curves. Nice tanned butt. Nice boos and a pretty face. Oh also personally.