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I love a clean cut man. It is good having a guy who cares for themselves. Although some guys look good being grungy (not dirty).

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Q: Do girls like clean cut guys?
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Maybe some girls do but mostly they like a clean cut kinda guy

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It depends, a lot of girls I know like long skater hair that flips a little and is kind of messy, others like it short and clean cut.

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nice cute guys with a nice hair cut

Do boys like cutting girls hair?

If they were a hair cutter in a salon. They have to like it. It is their job (if they do not like their job they will not like to cut girls hair).

Why do guys date girls who cut?

Because they are stupid!!! That's just freakin weird!!

Do guys like it when a girl gets a hair cut?

Depends on the guy

How do you look better because girls don't like me for my look?

Girls shouldn't like you solely because of looks although looks do play a part in attraction to initiate the like-love process. Perhaps get a hair cut, reduce or remove all acne, stay clean, and gain muscle.

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Girls shouldn't like you solely because of looks although looks do play a part in attraction to initiate the like-love process. Perhaps get a hair cut, reduce or remove all acne, stay clean, and gain muscle.

Do emo girls like emo guys if you have short hair?

possibley, but emo means that they cut their wrist. goth means wearing black all the time and such. Yeah emo girls do like any type of emo boys and any boys as long as you are being yourself and not pretending to be someone that you are not.

Do guys like pixie cuts?

Guys like confidence. If you LOVE pixie hair styles, go to the salon and get your hair cut. Then be confident about it! If you love it, he will too.

How come Jc doesn't cut his hair?

Because all the girls at his school like it. Because all the girls at his school like it. Because all the girls at his school like it. Because all the girls at his school like it.

What kind of trimmings girls like?

they love the buzz cut omg