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It depends on the person. Some people, guys and girls, like to have two girls and one guy, while others enjoy two guys and one girl, but to be safe, it would be wise to ask the girl if they wouldn't mind sharing their body like that. (I personally like either two guys and me, or me, a girl, and a guy, I am female)

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11mo ago

Some individuals may enjoy a threesome with two men during sex, but preferences vary greatly from person to person. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly with all parties involved and ensure that everyone consents and feels comfortable before engaging in any sexual activity.

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Q: Do girls like 2 guys during sex at once?
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Please before you read this keep in mind All women are NOT the same after reading below I thought I would say that.This is HHHotn smart and I'm out! I don't know if you're talking about gifts or personality traits, so I'll mention both: gifts: * girls like to get flowers, chocolates, jewelry, pictures of their guy, etc. * girls like to go places with their guy personality traits & looks: * most girls like guys to be handsome, especially their hair & voice, & sometimes they like strong guys who are slightly taller than them - it makes them feel safe * girls like a guy who makes them laugh * girls like nice, kind, considerate guys * girls like guys who understand them, who they have things in common with, who comfort them and put their arms around them, who take things with their relationship slow * girls like guys who like them back and give them a compliment every once in a while * girls like guys who don't lie or lead them on or cheat on them ladies like guys who are sensitive, nice, funny, sweet, and stuff like that. you just cant act like a pig or a jerk.

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a lot of girls have the capacity to like several guys at once. but you should ask her out before the other guy gets to her.

Is it often more that girls tell guys that they like them than guys telling girls that?

Traditionally, guys propose love to a girl however many people claim that once they are in a relationship the girl is the one who tell a guy that she loves him and she expects the same in return. The above statement is correct. I also think that girls tend to gossip more, and the "who likes whom" gossip spreads at extreme rates. From experience, I can say that guys are not as open about their crushes. I think that generally, the amount of girls and guys that tell the opposite gender (or same I guess) that they like each other is about obvious. I don't can't speak for guys, but I know that it is extremely obvious when a guy likes you. Sometimes no words are needed to be spoken for it to be understood that someone likes you. Generally, the guys tend to ask out the girls. However, a guy told me he liked me once, and I decided (just to be nice, I wasn't actually attracted to him) to ask him out. So I think that the amounts are about equal, but that the girls have a slightly higher percentage of telling guys they like them.

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Talk to her make sure she knows your there, compliment her and once u get to know her ask her out. Girls like it whe guys take control

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