Yes, absolutely. This condition is extremely contagious. Fortunately, there are precautions that can be taken. A vaccination has been developed. It is called a cootie shot. They are available at playgrounds nationwide. The administrator of this shot must be under 12 years of age and hold a current circle circle dot dot certification card. Be sure to avoid any contact with girls until you have been vaccinated.
There are cootie catchers you can make plus boys have boy cooties and girls have girl cooties!
they have cooties.
It looks like "cudies" may be a typo. If you are referring to "coodies," it is a childish term for an imaginary germ or disease that someone can catch from the opposite sex. It is not a real medical condition.
He hasn't, he still thinks girls have cooties.
Boys have cooties because they have one brain cell when they are born. To fill the empty space where their other brain cells should be, the bodies of boys create cooties, an undetectable mixture of scents that deflects girls without them noticing. Boys can only create one batch of cooties because of the amount of energy it takes to create it. Cooties are created in the baby boys' early stages but are not released from their empty brain cell until they turn two. As boys get older, cooties slowly seep through the pores in their heads, causing girls to call them "icky" and "gross". Soon, the boys run out of cooties, somehow manage to grow another brain cell, and end up slightly more mature then a first grader.
Cooties is an imaginary disease. Nobody really has cooties or can catch them.
cooties are a type of body lice
No, the "cooties" aren't real. They're not a sickness, therefore there is no vaccination required for them. The cooties were probably made up to make sure little girls and boys didn't do anything too "mature" for their age. For example, a mother probably told her son not to kiss or touch a girl because she would have the "Cooties". Answered by: Princess N77
Cooties are not real. The concept of cooties is a childhood game or joke where one gender is thought to have a contagious "cooties" that can be passed on by touch. It is not a real medical condition.
Cockroach Cooties was created in 2001.
"Cooties" is a childhood term used to describe an imaginary contagion passed on through touching or proximity to someone of the opposite gender. In reality, there is no such thing as cooties and it is just a playful way for children to express aversion to interacting with the opposite gender at a young age.
Cooties are a fictional disease and used by children as a way to make fun of someone. But many people call lice cooties.