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No. Gay people have the same feelings as everyone else, but gays in general don't hate some boys.

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Q: Do gay people hate some boys?
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Why do boys hate gay people?

Some boys hate gay people because they are afraid of it, and do not understand anything about being gay. It is a prejudice they have without realising it. As they get older and understand more about life many boys no longer keep this prejudice and learn to live side by side.

Do gay people hate bisexuals?

It depends on the person, but gay people are more likely NOT to hate because of orientation than straight people.That said, there are some gay people who hate bisexuals and vice versa.

Why do gay people get all the hate?

Cause they think gay people are different and some people are afraid of different, so forget those people. If you're gay don't be ashamed of who you are just be yourself and do what feels right, okay.

Do Texans hate gay people?

Some do, but most don't.

How come boys don't like boys who are gay but the like girls who are gay?

Because straight boys are homophobic in other words they hate gays(note:not all straight boys hate gay boys), while gay girls are girls they are from the opposite sex so basically they would like girls but probably they would like straight girls better than gay girls.

Why gay people hate women?

They don't usually hate them? in fact they usually become friends with them

Do gay people hate their life?

No, not at all. However, gay people are constantly confronted by homophobes, who try to make them hate their lives. It doesn't work. Gay people generally have happy lives.

Does Carrie Underwood hate gay people?

she doesn't hate 'gay' people. she loves everyone, she's a sweetheart.

Do blacks hate gay people?

Some do and some don't. It works the same way with allpeople.

Do people like gay people?

Yes. A lot Of people like Gays Lesbis And Bi's. I hate Them. Disgusting. Especially America Likes Gay!! =S

Why are straight boys nasty to gay people?

Only SOME straight boys are nasty to gay people. Others are not nasty to gay people.A lot of these hateful boys are either raised by prejudiced parents, or they've adopted religious-based hatred.

Why go boys hate gay boys?

Of course, most boys don't hate gay boys, but the ones that do can be very loud, and very mean. Very often, these guys are afraid of their own gay feelings. Other guys sometimes go along with them because they're afraid to stand up to the noisy haters. "The times, they are-a changin'".