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No. When they grow up, they like men. Are they always sexually attracted to other males? Yes.

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Q: Do gay guys like boys forever?
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Do gay guys like little boys in briefs?

No, you're thinking of pedophiles.

Do young professional dancing boys look gay?

I don't know -- what do gay guys look like? (Hint: they look like everyone else!)

What is the difference between gay men and straight men?

Well that's a bit of a silly question to ask . Gay guys like boys/men , straight guys like girls/women. simple :)

Are any of the guys from forever the sickest kids gay?

Yes. All of them.

Do you like gay black boys?

As much as I like any gay boys.

Why do boys like girls not guys?

Because most people are naturally heterosexual. Maybe only 7% of men are gay.

Why do boys think Justin bieber is gay?

Guys think Justin Bieber is gay because they are jealous of him.

Your friend like guys is he gay?

If he likes guys, he is gay or at least bisexual.

What do Boys do instead of blushing?

guys Can Blush to Silly except i think we can control it better and also to give a answer INSTEAD OF BLUSHING guys tend to stutter more when talking to a girl they like.... Gay guys just say your turn :P( if you don't get that ... then your gay yourself or very dumb like a child)

Why go boys hate gay boys?

Of course, most boys don't hate gay boys, but the ones that do can be very loud, and very mean. Very often, these guys are afraid of their own gay feelings. Other guys sometimes go along with them because they're afraid to stand up to the noisy haters. "The times, they are-a changin'".

Why don't straight guys like gay guys?

Some do and some don't. Just like some gay guys like straight guys, and some don't. You can't generalize like this.

What determines if your gay?

If you like guys, youre gay.