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No chickens taste like elephants

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Q: Do elephants taste like chicken
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Do brains taste like chicken?

No, they do not taste like chicken. They most likey taste like blood vessels.

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Yes pork taste like chicken

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What fruits taste like chicken when cooked?

Young jackfruit is a fruit that can taste like chicken when cooked.

What does cashew chicken taste like?

it is like a bitter taste, more of an instiguated taste. I would recomend it if you like meat, but i prefer normal chicken

Do chicken in a biskit taste like chicken?

I don't think they taste anything like chicken. But I guess they're supposed to. I think if they did, they'd be gross. * I think the crackers have slight chicken broth taste.

What does red chicken taste like?

it taste bad

How did chicken taste in the 1800s?

It tasted like chicken.

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No they taste like apple sauce

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No beef tastes like beef and chicken tastes like chicken...

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like chicken

What does bass taste like after it is cooked?

It taste like chicken nuggets!! sort of !! :)