If they smoke, then I imagine they do. Most elegant feminine women love the look of a long thin 120
That it was okay to smoke. That drinking was cool. And that feminine hygiene was all that women thought about.
elegant elegant women Sweet caring loving loyal
the type of events that women would like to look elegant are such things has weddings, gala's or for even a romantic night out or to attend a nice resturant, so there are plenty of reason's for women to dress elegant.
Since it means "women", "mujeres" is feminine.
People liked to go to elegant parties. Many liked to smoke. Women had bobs and wore flapper dresses.
no on average men smoke more then women
The feminine form of "women" is "woman." "Women" is the plural form, referring to two or more adult females. "Woman" is the singular form, referring to a single adult female.
Personal Feminine = Personal Femenino Used when you are only hiring women
There is no feminine form. Senator is the word for both men and women equally.
a lady is any female that is elegant and is repected more the most part, she doesnt have to be an adult, any female. a women is usually an female adult, not really respected but can be.
Venus is usually considered a feminine gender. Many women are named Venus. The planet Venus is the only major planet named for a goddess.
Nobody knows what causes women to smoke marijuana while they are pregnant.